Otvoritveni vikend / Opening weekend: 16. – 19. JUL 2020
Razstave do / Exhibitions until: 19. SEP 2020

Roberto Pugliese, Concerto per natura morta, Galerija mesta Ptuj / Ptuj City Gallery, 2020


Med 16. in 19. julijem 2020  so se zvrstili številni dogodki otvoritvenega vikenda 18. festivala sodobne umetnosti ART STAYS. Največji slovenski multidisciplinarni dogodek sodobne umetnosti že od leta 2003 prinaša na Ptuj in v okolico produkcijo domačih ter tujih umetnikov, od najperspektivnejših mladih umetnikov do velikih imen sodobne umetnosti. Do danes je gostil preko 900 ustvarjalcev, med njimi svetovno znana imena, kot so Ai Weiwei, Yoko Ono, Monira Al Qadiri, Gilbert & George, Jake & Dinos Chapman, Ivan Navarro, Allora & Calzadilla, Hannah Collins, Santiago Sierra, Philip-Lorca diCorcia, Roni Horn, Olafur Eliasson, Shane Guffogg, Brigitte Kowanz, Regina Jose Galindo, Ilona Nemeth, Cesare Pietroiusti in mnogi drugi, ki skupaj s festivalom nenehno krepijo vlogo Ptuja, najstarejšega slovenskega mesta, kot križišča umetnosti in kulture. Festival Art Stays je tako postal tudi evropski referenčni dogodek za številne mednarodne galerije, muzeje, fundacije in seveda umetnike.

18. izvedba festivala je nosila naslov NO MORE SILENCE (Brez tišine) in je bila nadaljevanje preteklih edicij, imenovanih Prihodnost (Future), Krhkost (Fragile) in Naravnost (NaturAL(L)).

NO MORE SILENCE je bilo vodilo, a hkrati tudi opozorilo, saj je ponudilo kritičen, mestoma dramatično ironičen pristop do časa, v katerem živimo. Že pred časom začeta raziskava, ki temelji na predpostavki, da moramo z najvišjo stopnjo nujnosti prisluhniti ranljivosti našega sveta, če želimo preoblikovati prihodnost, in ki se je danes, v času covida-19, znašla v nepričakovani, s tišino obdani in redefinirani fazi, se ozira na zvok, glasbo, besedo, praznino, notranji in zunanji konflikt ter na človekovo nenehno željo, da omogoči glas prostoru, času, komunikaciji in odnosom.

Celovit program, ki je vključeval vse pomembnejše zgodovinske, umetnostne, kulturne, družbene in politične javne ter zasebne ustanove starodavnega Ptuja, pa tudi Kidričevega in Majšperka, so obogatili performansi, konference, razstave, umetniški filmi, videi, instalacije, glasbeno eksperimentiranje in video mapiranje.



Between 16 and 19 July, a series of events took place at the opening weekend of the 18th ART STAYS Festival of Contemporary Art. Since 2003, this largest Slovenian multidisciplinary contemporary art event has been bringing to the city of Ptuj and its surroundings a top selection of artworks by Slovenian and foreign artists, ranging from promising young artists all the way to the great names of contemporary art. To date, it has featured over 900 artists, including several names of world-wide reputation, such as Ai Weiwei, Yoko Ono, Monira Al Qadiri, Gilbert & George, Jake & Dinos Chapman, Ivan Navarro, Allora & Calzadilla, Hannah Collins, Santiago Sierra, Philip-Lorca diCorcia, Roni Horn, Olafur Eliasson, Shane Guffogg, Brigitte Kowanz, Regina Jose Galindo, Ilona Nemeth, Cesare Pietroiusti, and numerous others. Along with the festival which has become a European reference event for many international galleries, museums, foundations, and of course artists, they are continuously strengthening the role of Ptuj, the oldest Slovenian city, as a crossroads of art and culture.

18th edition of the festival was titled NO MORE SILENCE and was a continuation of previous editions, entitled Future, Fragile, and NaturAL(L).

NO MORE SILENCE is was not only the motto of the Festival ART STAYS, but also a warning, as it offers a critical, albeit occasionally dramatically ironic approach to the times we live in. A research that began some time ago from the premise that fragility of the world needs to be addressed with utmost urgency in order to rethink our future, has now made an unexpected turn into a phase consisting mostly of “silence”, redefining itself in the time of COVID-19; it maintains a vision to sound, music, words, emptiness, internal and external conflicts, as well as to man’s continuous desire to give voice to space, time, communication, and relationships.

The articulated program of the festival involved all the main public and private historical, artistic, cultural, political, and social institutions in the historical city of Ptuj, as well as in surrounding Kidričevo and Majšperk which are annually hosting collateral multimedia and site-specific projects, and featured conferences, exhibitions, performances, art films, videos, installations, musical experiments, and video mappings.






Hans Beckers, Klopotec Orkestra, Dominikanski samostan / Dominican Monastery, Ptuj 2020

Robin Meier, Dream Machine Ptuj 2020, Courtesy Robin Meier & Art Stays Festival

Conductor, Lynn Book & Art Stays

Sonic Horizon / Zvočno obzorje, Courtesy Zul Mahmod & Art Stays Festival

Marko Batista, Sonic Geometry of Space, Miheličeva galerija, Ptuj 2020

Michele Spanghero, Ad lib., Galerija mesta Ptuj / Ptuj City Gallery, 2020, foto Špela Težak

Alberto Tadiello, 13, Galerija mesta Ptuj / Ptuj City Gallery, 2020

Nicoló Masiero Sgrinzatto, Vibravoid, Ptuj 2020

Relaytor De Luxe Ptuj 2020, Courtesy Bastiaan Maris & Art Stays Festival

Robin Meier, Synchronicity, Galerija mesta Ptuj / Ptuj City Gallery, 2020

Ptuj Sound Walks, Knjižnica Ptuj / Ptuj Library, 2020

Milojka Drobne, Tišina / Senca, Tovarna umetnosti / Art Factory, 2020

Zvočni objekti / Sound Objects (Robert Jurak, Mario Velocci), Galerija FO.VI, 2020, foto Špela Težak

Zvočni objekti / Sound objects (Transversal project), Galerija FO.VI, 2020

Ptuj Sound Walks, video: Rok Golob, sound: Muzikača, Transversal Project, Photo: Stojan Kerbler, 2020

Euro Rotelli, Silentium, Galerija Magistrat / Magistrat Gallery, Ptuj 2020

Zul Mahmod, Live on-line performance

Otvoritev / Opening