ASHTAYAMA – Song of Hours – Amelia Cuni, Werner Durand

projekcija / screening

19. JUL 2020, 19.00
Dominikanski samostan / Dominican Monastery

Naslov ASHTAYAMA se nanašana starodavno tradicijo, podedovano iz obredov hindujskih templjev, kjer je dnevni cikel razdeljen na 8 časovnih pasov po 3 ure. V skladu s to razdelitvijo so izbrani tudi glasbeni modusi, imenovani rage. Podoben odnos med glasbo in naravnimi cikli se kaže v evropskem časoslovu, samostanski dnevni liturgiji, ki jo izvajajo že od srednjega veka. Performans je sestavljen iz osmih skladb, ki sledijo naravnemu odvijanju vsakodnevnega cikla skozi različne odtenke svetlobe in teme, razmišljanju o razpoloženju in obredih življenjskih ciklov ter raziskovanju številnih vidikov in odtenkov vsakodnevnih ukrepov. Prepletanje glasbe in svetlobe je zelo pomembno za tematiko tega dela in postane sestavni del predstave.

The title ASHTAYAMA refers to the ancient tradition, inherited from the rituals of the Hindu temples, dividing the daily cycle into 8 time belts of 3 hours each. The musical modes, called ragas, are chosen according to this subdivision. A similar relationship between music and natural cycles is manifest in the European Book of Hours, the monastic daily liturgy practised since medieval times.
In the live performance, eight songs follow the natural unfolding of the daily cycle through various shades of light and darkness, reflecting on the moods and rituals of life´s cycles and exploring the manifold aspects and hues of daily actions.
The interplay of music and light is obviously very relevant to the theme of this work and becomes an integral part of the performance.

Koncept / Concept:
Amelia Cuni
Glasba / Music:
Werner Durand & Amelia Cuni
Vizualizacija / Visual concept:
Uli Sigg