Synchronicity (Thailand)

Robin Meier & Andre Gwerder, 2016
Digital Video (2k), Stereo Soundtrack (29’), Tree, LED’s, Electromagnetic Pendulums

Festivalsko prizorišče / Festival venue: Galerija mesta Ptuj / Ptuj City Gallery, Prešernova ulica 29, Ptuj,
TOR / TUE – PET / FRI 10.00 – 17.00, SOB / SAT – NED / SUN 10.00 – 12.00 & 15.00 – 18.00

Švicarski umetnik Robin Meier nas z instalacijo Synchronicity popelje v mangrovske gozdove na Tajskem, v katerih tam živeče kresnice (Pteroptyx malaccae) sinhronizirajo svoje utripe z računalniško nadzorovanimi LED sijalkami. Ob vzpostavitvi svetlobne komunikacije z žuželkami umetnik vpliva na ritmično utripanje velikih kolonij kresnic, tihi orkester pa tako deluje usklajeno, ne da bi potreboval dirigenta. V tej ritmični svetlobni kompoziciji se računalniki in insekti sporazumevajo brez centralnega nadzora.

Swiss artist Robin Meier in his installation Synchronicity leads us into a mangrove forest in Thailand, where live fireflies (Pteroptyx malaccae) synchronise their flashes with computer-controlled LEDs. By establishing a light-based form of communication with insects, the artist influences the rhythmic flashing of large colonies of fireflies. A silent orchestra harmonises without the need for a conductor. With no central control, computers and insects interact in this rhythmic composition of light.

Robin Meier, video stills Synchronicity (Thailand), courtesy of the artists

Umetnik in skladatelj Robin Meier raziskuje nastanek naravne in umetne inteligence ter vlogo ljudi v svetu strojev. Meier poskuša ta vprašanja smiselno razumeti z glasbenimi skladbami in instalacijami. Pomembni mediji so ga opisali kot “umetnika prihodnosti” (le Monde), “Maestro roja” (Narava) ali preprosto “patetičen” (Vimeo). Njegova dela so bila razstavljena v mednarodnih ustanovah, kot so Palais de Tokyo, FIAC in Muzej sodobne umetnosti v Parizu, Art Basel, Švica, 11. šangajski bienale, Arsenal Contemporary New York Cityu ali v muzeju Broad Art Museum v East Lansingu v Michiganu. Robin Meier je dolgoletni sodelavec pri IRCAM / Center Pompidou (Pariz) in sodelavec Istituto Svizzero di Roma (2018/2019).

Artist and composer, Robin Meier explores the emergence of natural and artificial intelligence and the role of humans in a world of machines. Meier tries to make sense of these questions through musical compositions and installations. Referred to as “Artist of the future” (le Monde), “Maestro of the swarm” (Nature) or simply “pathetic” (Vimeo) his works have been shown internationally, in institutions such as Palais de Tokyo, FIAC and Museum of Modern Art in Paris, Art Basel, Switzerland, the 11th Shanghai Biennale, Arsenal Contemporary New York City or the Broad Art Museum in East Lansing, Michigan. Robin Meier is a longtime collaborator at IRCAM / Centre Pompidou (Paris) and Fellow of the Istituto Svizzero di Roma (2018/2019).