Doroteja Dolinšek (1994) se v svojem umetniškem jeziku navezuje na gibanje za kulturalizacijo vesolja. Njena dela se tematsko navezujejo na vesolje, a umetniški jezik se navezuje na geometrično abstrakcijo in tradicijo suprematizma. Njena dela izžarevajo prefinjene forme, ki nas spominjajo na satelite ali vesoljske konstrukte, ter obravnavajo vprašanje prostora in gibanja v vesolju.

The artistic language of Doroteja Dolinšek refers to the movement for the culturalization of the Universe. Her artworks establish thematic links to the Universe, while her artistic expression creates connections with geometric abstraction and the tradition of suprematism. Her creations exude sophisticated shapes which remind us of satellites or space constructs, while addressing issues of motion in space and space itself.


Doroteja Dolinšek, N-SINH 6, 2020