Johannes Nielsen živi in dela na Kitajskem, kjer ustvarja nežne in krhke skulpture, zaznamovane z estetskim minimalizmom, ki nosijo sporočilo esencialnosti in gibanja. Iz dreves, izjemnih modelov, ki poustvarjajo življenje, roke in noge, črpa navdih za oblikovanje stiliziranih, delikatnih in lahkotnih človeških ter živalskih teles, ki so v popolnem sožitju z naravo, nas nagovarjajo in opominjajo, da je vse edinstveno in neizogibno začasno.

Johannes Nielsen, who lives and works in China, creates mild and thready sculptures defined by an aesthetic minimalism, which transmits essentiality and motion. Delicate and light human and animal bodies made by taking inspiration from the trees, exceptional models which reproduce life, arms and legs. This kind of process results into stylized human and animal bodies, perfectly interwoven with nature, which recall atmospheres full of suasion that force us to remember that everything is uniquely and inevitably temporary.


NIELSEN JOHANNES, Same Body Different Day #5, 2018,bronzo, 75 x 12 x 12 cm, Courtesy Punto Sull’Arte, Varese