Maruša Meglič (1989) je vizualna umetnica, ki s svojimi instalacijami raziskuje materiale in njihovo narativnost. V izbranem delu prikaže kontrast med kovinsko konstrukcijo in mehko silikonsko strukturo, s čimer dopušča raznoliko branje dela. Sama je dejala: »Z zavedanjem latentnih pomenov uporabljenih materialov, nastalih form ter simbolike same postavitve sem poskušala vzpostaviti preprosto vizualno-narativno strukturo, podkrepljeno z naslovom dela in prostorsko atmosfero.«

Maruša Meglič (1989), a visual artist, explores materials and their narrative through her installations. The selected work manifests the contrast between a steel construction and a softer silicon structure, thus enabling different possibilities of reading into this work. She said: “Aware of the latent meanings of the materials used, the resulting shapes and the symbolism behind the deployment of the installation itself, I have tried to establish a simple visual-narrative structure, substantiated by the title of the work and the spatial atmosphere.”


Maruša Meglič, Success is looking for a good place to stay, 2019 – 2020