Slikar in kipar Tomaž Plavec se zadnja leta posveča predvsem kiparstvu, kjer največkrat uporablja aluminij in les. Ta dihotomija sicer estetsko spojenih materialov nas napeljuje k razmišljanju o pomembnih odločitvah, ki ga Plavec, vsestranski umetnik, aktiven predvsem v svojem rojstnem mestu Ptuj in tudi širše, spodbuja že več let. Pri tem gradi svoje osebno življenje in umetniško prizadevanje za svobodno izražanje onstran dogem in konstrukcij, ki nam jih družba spektakla, katere del smo prav vsi, pogosto nalaga.

Tomaž Plavec, a painter and in recent years primarily engaged in sculpture, uses mostly aluminium and wood as his material of choice. This dichotomy of otherwise aesthetically combined materials induces us to reflect upon important decisions, an act encouraged by this Ptuj-born versatile artist, active in his hometown and beyond, for many years now. In doing so, Plavec builds up his own personal life, as well as his artistic quest for free expression beyond dogmas and constructions repeatedly imposed on us by the society of the spectacle, in which we all partake.


Tomaž Plavec, Say Cheeeese, 2021