Miheličeva galerija / Mihelič Gallery
Dravska ulica 4, Ptuj
SRE / WED – NED / SUN 12.00 – 16.00

Documentare, Sincron-izzare, dare Struktura (Afra Canali)

Razstava, ki skozi umetniška dela, zapise, besede, obraze, okolja in različne atmosfere predstavlja strast do konstruirane umetnosti in jo poskuša oživeti s pomočjo zapisanih in doživetih spominov.

Ob tem vzpostavlja kontinuiran, intenziven dialog, ki se je v sedemdesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja začel razvijati okoli mednarodne konstruirane umetnosti in »cinevizualizma«. Pred nami je prikaz zelo posebnega potovanja, na katerega se je podal Armando Nizzi, izjemna osebnost in dolgoletni vodja studia Sincron, avantgardne konstruktivistične umetniške galerije, ki je hkrati prostor za izmenjavo mnenj in izkušenj, destinacija za bolj in manj znane umetnike ter katalizator pozornosti, ki privablja Nizzijeve bližnje in daljne kolege, pri katerih s svojim nastopom in tovrstno umetnostjo, ki je včasih nekonvencionalna, drugič pa izrazito znotraj okvirjev, vzbuja začudenje in radovednost.

Tukaj je še Anna Canali, ki je od sedemdesetih let dalje s svojo milansko galerijo Artestruktura sledila včasih bolj, drugič manj strogemu Nizzijevemu zgledu. Oba sta močni osebnosti, predstavnika določenega dela italijanske umetniške scene, ki je bila najbolj aktivna med sedemdesetimi in devetdesetimi leti prejšnjega stoletja, ter s svojim delom, ki ga nikakor ni moč zanemariti, tudi izbrana protagonista razstave kustosinje Afre Canali, lastnice galerije Canalidarte iz Brescie, z naslovom Documentare, Sinron-izzare, dare Struktura.

Na razstavi bomo lahko videli tudi arhivske dokumente galerij Sincron in Artestruktura, zgodovinske fotografije, pisma, izjave, plakate, vabila, predstavitvene knjige, kataloge, ki bodo govorili o delih mnogih umetnikov, ki so se gibali v krogih okoli Nizzija in Anne Canali.

Through works of art, scriptures, words, faces, environments, and different atmospheres, this exhibition speaks about the passion for Constructed Art and seeks to revive it with the help of written and experienced memories, while establishing a continuous and intensive dialogue which in the 1970s began to evolve around international Constructed Art and Cinevisualism.

In front of us is a display of an outstanding journey undertaken by Armando Nizzi, a remarkable personality and a long-time leader of the Sincron studio – a historical avant-garde constructivist art gallery that also serves as a place for exchanging opinions and experiences, a destination for more and less famous artists and a catalyst for attention from colleagues near and away, intrigued by this man and this art outside and much inside the box.

Then there is Anna Canali, who from the 1970s, with her Milan gallery Artestruktura, followed sometimes more, other times less rigorous Nizzi’s example. They are both strong personalities, representatives of a certain part of the Italian art scene which was most active between the 70s and the 90s, and with their work certainly not to be neglected also the chosen protagonists of the exhibition entitled Documentare, Sinron-izzare, dare Struktura, carried out under the curatorship of Afra Canali, the owner of Brescia-based gallery Canalidarte.

The exhibition will also feature archival documents from the Sincron and Artestruktura galleries, historical photographs, letters, statements, posters, invitations, presentation books, and catalogues that will talk about the works of many artists who moved in circles around Nizzi and Anna Canali.

Umetniki / Artists:
Getulio Alviani
Mario Ballocco
Alberto BIasi
Enrico Castellani
Gianni Colombo
Lucio Fontana
Carmelo Arden Quin
J. Hans Glattfelder
Julio Le Parc
Bruno Munari
Oki Izumi

V sodelovanju z / In collaboration with:
Kanali d’Arte, Brescia

Photo: Sincron Gallery Reloaded Arhiv razstave / Exhibition Archive, Courtesy Kanali d’Arte, Brescia (Photo: Fotostudio Rapuzzi)