2011, 21:30 min,
Courtesy of Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI), New York.

Chip Lord v svojih delih združuje družbeno opazovanje in satirični humor ter se osredotoča na ameriške mite in ikone, od kulta avtomobila do bejzbola, oglaševanja, predmestja in televizije. Lord, ustanovni član večmedijskega kolektiva Ant Farm iz San Francisca, raziskuje, kako našo kolektivno identiteto in vsakdanje življenje določa potrošniška kultura, ki jo poganjajo mediji. Lordovo zanimanje za arhitekturo in urbani javni prostor je privedlo do serije video del, ki dokumentirajo in raziskujejo vprašanja urbane geografije in načrtovanja. In Transit je opazovan portret prostorov, ki pogosto veljajo za ne-prostore letalskega potovanja. Film se giblje od San Francisca do Šanghaja, od Pekinga do Londona in od Frankfurta do Mexico Cityja, čeprav so ti geografski skoki komaj zaznavni v notranjosti letališč ali v obnašanju potnikov. Na koncu gledalcu ostane podoba potovanja z letalom, ki je v enaki meri znanstvena fantastika in vzvišena.

Merging social observation with satirical humor, Chip Lord’s work focuses on American myths and icons, from the cult of the automobile to baseball, advertising, suburbia and television. Lord, a founding member of the San Francisco-based multi-media collective Ant Farm, examines how our collective identity and everyday life are defined by a consumer-based, media-driven culture. Lord’s interest in architecture and urban public space has led to the production of a series of video works that document and explore issues of urban geography and planning. In Transit is an observed portrait of the spaces—often considered non-places—of air travel. It moves from San Francisco to Shanghai, Beijing to London, and Frankfurt to Mexico City, though these geographic leaps are barely perceptible in the airport interiors or the travelers’ behavior. The viewer is ultimately left with an image of air travel that is equal parts science fiction and the sublime.

Chip Lord se je rodil leta 1944. Na univerzi Tulane je diplomiral iz arhitekture. Je prejemnik številnih nagrad, med drugim štipendije za kreativne umetnike japonsko-ameriške komisije za prijateljstvo, več štipendij National Endowment for the Arts in več štipendij Western States Regional Media Arts Fellowship. Trenutno je profesor na Oddelku za film in digitalne medije na Kalifornijski univerzi v Santa Cruzu. Leta 1973 sta Lord in Doug Michels za svoje delo pri projektu Ant Farm prejela nagrado za oblikovanje Progressive Architecture. Lordova dela so bila na veliko razstavljena po vsem svetu, na festivalih in v institucijah, kot so Pariški bienale, Documenta 6, Kassel, Nemčija, Muzej sodobne umetnosti v Chicagu, Filmski festival v Torontu, Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Washington, D.C., Muzej moderne umetnosti, New York, JVC Tokyo Video Festival, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, London Film Festival, bienalna razstava Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, in Institute of Contemporary Art, London. Živi v San Franciscu v Kaliforniji.

Chip Lord was born in 1944. He received a B. Arch. from Tulane University. He is the recipient of numerous awards, including a Creative Artist Fellowship from the Japan-U.S. Friendship Commission, several National Endowment for the Arts Fellowships, and several Western States Regional Media Arts Fellowships. He is currently Professor in the Department of Film and Digital Media at the University of California, Santa Cruz. In 1973, Lord and Doug Michels received a Progressive Architecture design award for their work with Ant Farm. Lord’s work has been widely exhibited throughout the world, at festivals and institutions including the Paris Biennale; Documenta 6, Kassel, Germany; Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago; Toronto Film Festival; Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Washington, D.C.; The Museum of Modern Art, New York; JVC Tokyo Video Festival; San Francisco Museum of Modern Art; London Film Festival; Whitney Museum of American Art Biennial Exhibition, New York; and the Institute of Contemporary Art, London. He lives in San Francisco, California.