Galerija Magistrat / Magistrat Gallery, 7. JUL – 10. SEP 2023

Mala poletna akademija sodobne umetnosti zajema bogat program delavnic za otroke in najstnike, ki bodo letos posvečene potovanjem. Tako bodo delavnice polne zemljevidov, globusov, razglednic in raznih oblik prevoza. Potekale bodo v Mali galeriji Galerije mesta Ptuj na Prešernovi ulici, zato bo stik z umetnostjo še bolj tesen. Ob koncu delavnic bodo mladi, skupaj z mentoricama pripravili skupinsko razstavo v Galeriji Magistrat v Mestni hiši Ptuj in tako svoje delo pokazali obiskovalcem festivala. Razstava bo ostala odprta vso poletje.

The Little Summer Academy of Contemporary Art includes a rich programme of workshops for children and teenagers, this year dedicated to travel. The workshops will be full of maps, globes, postcards and various forms of transport and will take place in the Small Gallery of the Ptuj City Gallery on Prešernova Street, so the contact with art will be even closer. At the end of the workshops, the young people, together with their mentors, will prepare a group exhibition in the Magistrat Gallery in the Ptuj Town Hall, showing their work to the festival visitors. The exhibition will remain open throughout the summer.

PRIJAVA / APPLICATION (do / until: 30. 6. 2023)