Zvok AKA Neomi se od leta 2011 razvija in premišljeno vijuga med indie popom in trip hopom, med akustično balado in psihadeličnim noise-om ter se zadnje čase spogleduje tudi z disko popom.

Po uspešnicah kot so Grow Old, Self service in Wedding bouquet AKA Neomi odpirajo novo poglavje. Prvič, ker se spet vračajo k slovenščini in drugič, ker gre za žanrsko bolj lahkoten in vsebinsko zabaven projekt. Čas, v katerem živimo, je milo rečeno neugoden in če bi se spuščali v to, kaj vse je narobe, bi lahko dvignili roke nad vsem. Zato je Saši in Mariu pomembno, da se človek ob poslušanju novih stvaritev tudi nasmeji. S humorjem obarvana sta tudi njihova prva dva singla iz prihajočega albuma – Nočna zver ter Bakhantka.
Skladbi Grow Old in Nočna zver sta bili med 50 najbolj predvajanimi skladbami na Valu202 v letu 2022.
Nedavno pa je izšla skladba Vesolje, ki govori o ljubezni in njeni brezčasnosti.

Skupina AKA Neomi je od svojih začetkov do danes obredla številne odre, med drugim je nastopila na MENTu, avstrijskem Waves Vienna, portugalskem Westway Labu ter nizozemskem Eurosonicu in delila oder s Roisin Murphy na njenem ljubljanskem koncertu. Izbrana je bila med talente mreže INES (Innovation Network of European Showcases).

Zadnji album Beautiful Disasters je izšel januarja 2020 pri portugalski založbi European Phonographic in je požel pozitivne kritike doma in v tujini, nominiran je bil tudi za Zlato piščal v kategoriji album leta.

Since 2011, AKA Neomi’s sound has been evolving and deliberately meandering between indie pop and trip hop, between acoustic ballads and psychedelic noise, and more recently, flirting with disco pop.

After hits like Grow Old, Self service and Wedding bouquet, AKA Neomi are opening a new chapter. Firstly, because they are going back to Slovenian and secondly, because it is a more light-hearted and entertaining project in terms of genre and content. The times we live in are unfavourable to say the least and if we were to go into what all is wrong, we could raise our hands over everything. That’s why it is important to Saša and Mario that when listening to new creations, one also has to smile. Their first two singles from the upcoming album – Nočna zver and Bakhantka – are also tinged with humour.
Grow Old and Night Beast were among the 50 most played songs on Valu202 in 2022.
And the recently released track Space is about love and its timelessness.

AKA Neomi has graced many stages since its inception, including MENT, Austria’s Waves Vienna, Portugal’s Westway Lab, Eurosonic in the Netherlands and sharing the stage with Roisin Murphy at her Ljubljana concert. She was selected as one of the INES (Innovation Network of European Showcases) talents.

Her latest album Beautiful Disasters was released in January 2020 on the Portuguese label European Phonographic to positive reviews at home and abroad, and was nominated for the Golden Pipe in the Album of the Year category.

Saša Vipotnik (vokal, avtorica besedil in pesmi / vocals, lyrics and songs), Mario Babojelić (kitara, avtor aranžmajev / guitar, arrangements), Marko Grubar (bobni / drums)

Photo: Marijo Zupanov