Za nagrado občinstva na 16. mednarodni likovni nagradi Ex-tempore Ptuj Karneval 2024 so se potegovala vsa prejeta dela. Izmed več kot 160 likovnih del je občinstvo izbiralo svoj najljubši kip ali svojo najljubšo sliko. Dela si je bilo možno ogledati na obeh razstavah v Galeriji Magistrat in Mali galeriji Galerije mesta Ptuj, ali preko spleta, v katalogu letošnje likovne nagrade. Svoj glas, je bilo med 13. in 23. februarjem možno oddati na posebnem spletnem obrazcu.
Skupaj je prispelo kar 517 glasov. Daleč največ jih je dobilo delo Lancovski kurent, avtorice Klare Hliš, in sicer 128 glasov oz. skoraj četrtino vseh oddanih. Na drugem mestu je pristalo delo Timija Sitarja, na tretjem pa delo Sandre Žumer.
All the works received were in the running for the Audience Award at the 16th International Art Prize Ex-tempore Ptuj Karneval 2024. From more than 160 works of art, the public chose their favourite sculpture or their favourite painting. The works could be viewed at both exhibitions in the Magistrat Gallery and the Small Gallery of the Ptuj City Gallery, or online in the catalogue of this year’s art prize. Between 13 and 23 February, it was possible to cast your vote using a special online form.
A total of 517 votes were received. By far the largest number of votes went to the work Lancovski kurent by Klara Hliš, with 128 votes, or almost a quarter of the total number of votes cast. The second place went to Timi Sitar’s work and the third to Sandra Žumer.