Kulturno umetniško društvo ART STAYS je leta 2005 ustanovila skupina posameznikov z namenom razvoja in promocije predvsem vizualne umetnosti, preko aktivnosti in dogodkov namenjenim razvoju sodobne umetnosti na Ptuju in v tujini.

Art Stays je danes ena najzanimivejših organizacij v Sloveniji, saj gosti skozi leto program razstav v dveh razstaviščih, umetniške rezidence in organizira Festival sodobne umetnosti, ki je osrednji vizualni dogodek v širši regiji vse od leta 2003.

Festival sodobne umetnosti Art Stays prinaša na Ptuj in v okolico vrhunsko produkcijo domačih ter tujih umetnikov, od najperspektivnejših mladih umetnikov do velikih imen sodobne umetnosti, kot so Ai Weiwei, Yoko Ono, Monira Al Qadiri, Gilbert & George, Jake & Dinos Chapman, Edward Burtynsky, Ivan Navarro, Allora & Calzadilla, Robin Meier, Koen Vanmechelen, Hannah Collins, Ilona Nemeth, Jordi Alcaraz, IRWIN, Perino & Vele, Fernando Prats, Tiffany Chung, Gigi Scaria, Regina Jose Galindo, Michele Spanghero, Roberto Pugliese, Grace Weir in mnogi drugi. Spada med najpomembnejše predstavitve sodobne, predvsem likovne umetnosti v Sloveniji in v tem delu Evrope, ter je postal referenčni dogodek za številne mednarodne galerije, muzeje, fundacije in seveda umetnike.

Poleg mednarodnega festivala sodobne umetnosti, ki je postal največji tovrstni dogodek v Sloveniji društvo organizira skozi celo leto razstave v lastnih in drugih razstaviščih, delavnice, predavanja, video večere in druge dogodke povezane s sodobno umetnostjo. Ker pa verjamemo da svet stoji na mladih organiziramo tudi delavnice in vodene “obiske” razstav za najmlajše.

Cultural and Arts Society ART STAYS was founded in 2005 by a group of individuals with the aim of developing and promoting visual art through activities and events aimed at the development of contemporary art in Ptuj and abroad.

Art Stays is one of the most interesting organisations in Slovenia today, hosting a programme of exhibitions in two exhibition centres, artist residencies and organising the Festival of Contemporary Art, which has been the main visual art event in the wider region since 2003.

The Art Stays Festival of Contemporary Art brings to Ptuj and its surroundings the top quality production of international and local artists, from the most promising young artists to the big names of contemporary art, such as Ai Weiwei, Yoko Ono, Monira Al Qadiri, Gilbert & George, Jake & Dinos Chapman, Edward Burtynsky, Ivan Navarro, Allora & Calzadilla, Robin Meier, Koen Vanmechelen, Hannah Collins, Ilona Nemeth, Jordi Alcaraz, IRWIN, Perino & Vele, Fernando Prats, Tiffany Chung, Gigi Scaria, Regina Jose Galindo, Michele Spanghero, Roberto Pugliese, Grace Weir, and many others. It is one of the most important presentations of contemporary, especially fine art in Slovenia and in this part of Europe, and has become a reference event for many international galleries, museums, foundations and, of course, artists.

Other than the annual summer Art Stays Festival, our association also strives to promote and develop contemporary art through other projects, such as exhibitions at home and abroad, open and free of charge lectures on contemporary art by artists and professionals, international contests, and other events.

As we believe in the education of new audiences from a young age, we also organize workshops for children and youth during the Art Stays festival and around the year.



Kulturno umetniško društvo / Culture and Arts Society
Prešernova ulica 1, 2250 Ptuj, Slovenija


Info točka in galerija Art Stays / Info Point and Art Stays Gallery:
Slovenski trg 1, 2250 Ptuj

Pisarna / Office:
Jadranska ulica 4, 2250 Ptuj

Galerija FO.VI / FO.VI gallery:
Strnišče 6, 2325 Kidričevo
