Poletna akademija sodobne umetnosti / Summer Academy of Contemporary Art

Obvezna prijava / Mandatory registration:
Kotizacija / Registration fee:
90 € (posamezno predavanje / single lecture: 30 €)

Predavatelji / Lecturers:
Bastiaan Maris 16. 7. 2020, 10.00-12.00 – Miheličeva galerija
Hans Beckers 17. 7. 2020, 10.00-12.00 – Dominikanski samostan
Roberto Pugliese 18. 7. 2020, 10.00-12.00 – Galerija mesta Ptuj
Marko Batista 19. 7. 2020, 10.00-12.00 – Miheličeva galerija

Poletna akademija sodobne umetnosti zajema štiri predavanja mednarodno priznanih umetnikov in profesorjev. Na samem prizorišču prostorskih instalacij vam bodo avtorji podrobno predstavili svoje delo, vam pojasnili koncept in svoj pristop ter proces dela. Akademija je namejena tako študentom vizualnih smeri kakor tudi ljubiteljem sodobne umetnosti, ki bi se radi približali procesu ustvarjanja umetniškega dela.

The Summer Academy of Contemporary Art comprises four lectures by internationally renowned artists and professors. At the site of spatial installations, the authors will present their work in detail, explain their concept, approach and work processes. The academy is intended for students of visual fields, as well as for lovers of contemporary art who would like to get better acquainted with the process of creating a work of art.