Milojka Drobne v svojem delu senzibilizira haptičnost dotika v primarnem materialu glini. Njene skulpture naseljujejo prostor kot odlagališče praoblik, v katere se naseli in nalaga tišina, kot koprena minljivosti. Skozi intimnost strukturiranja površin in oblik kipov ustvarja spiritualno ravnovesje in vzbuja željo po zvoku, ki bi zapolnil prostor praznine (tišine). (Dušan Fišer)
In her work, Milojka Drobne sensitizes the haptic touch in the primary material – clay. Her sculptures inhabit the space as a repository of prototypes into which silence settles and imposes itself, like a veil of transience. Through the intimacy of structuring surfaces and shapes of the statues, she creates a spiritual balance and evokes the desire for sound that would fill the space of emptiness (silence). (Dušan Fišer)
Photo: Milojka Drobne, Sence, 2020