Otvoritveni vikend / Opening Weekend 6 – 9 JUL 2023
Razstave / Exhibitions 9 JUL – 10 SEP 2023


OTVORITEV 21. festivala Art Stays / OPENING of the 21st Art Stays Festival
> VOYAGE D’HIVER I Robert Cahen, 1993
Robert Cahen velja za enega najpomembnejših francoskih video umetnikov. V Cahenovem edinstveno niansiranem svetu sta tako fikcija kot dokument predstavljena kot metaforična potovanja v domišljijo, izvrstna sanjarjenja, ki opisujejo prehode časa, kraja, spomina in zaznavanja. Antarktika je tema tega vizualno močnega potovanja v neznano.

Recognized as one of France’s foremost video artists. In Cahen’s uniquely nuanced world, fiction and document alike are presented as metaphoric voyages of the imaginary, exquisite reveries that describe passages of time, place, memory and perception. The Antarctic is the subject of this visually powerful journey into the unfamiliar.
dvorana Dominikanskega samostana / Dominican Monastery Hall

Odprtje razstave / Exhibition Opening
Selitev (Relocation) Heimat pt. 2 I Zazzaro Otto
Heimat je nemška beseda, ki označuje pripadnost kraju ali, še bolje, občutek, da si doma, kar vodi nazaj k družinski razsežnosti. Heimat je tudi ime podjetja za selitve, natančneje s.r.l., ki na ta način uvaja koncept premestitve v nasprotju z domačim vidikom, ki ga napoveduje nemška beseda. Tako se pojavi konfliktni vidik med tistim, kar bi moralo biti stabilno, in tistim, kar je namesto tega v gibanju.

Heimat is a German word for belonging to a place or, better still, feeling at home, which leads back to the family dimension. Heimat is also the name of a relocation company, more specifically a s.r.l., which in this way introduces the concept of relocation as opposed to the home aspect that the German word implies. Thus, a conflicting aspect arises between what should be stable and what is instead in motion.
Dominikanski samostan / Dominican Monastery

Odprtje fotografske razstave / Photo Exhibition Opening
NA ROBU / ON THE EDGE I Ciril Jazbec, Matjaž Krivic
v sodelovanju z / In collaboration with: Galerija Fotografija, Ljubljana
Matjaž Krivic in Ciril Jazbec sta za svoje delo prejela prestižno nagrado World Press Photo – Krivic leta 2016 za serijo Kopanje prihodnosti, Jazbec pa leta 2021 za projekt One Way to Fight Climate Change: Make Your Own Glaciers.

Matjaž Krivic and Ciril Jazbec both received the prestigious World Press Photo award for their work – Krivic in 2016 for his series Digging the Future, Jazbec in 2021 for his project One Way to Fight Climate Change: Make Your Own Glaciers.
Knjižnica Ivana Potrča Ptuj / Ptuj Library

Otvoritev prostorske instalacije JADRA in otvoritveni koncert/ Opening of public installation SAILs  and opening concert
JURE PUKL “Broken Circle” Trio
Jure Pukl (saksofon), Jošt Lampret (kontrabas), Gaj Bostič (bobni)
Saksofonist Jure Pukl velja za enega najpomembnejših ustvarjalcev slovenske džezovske glasbe. Prejemnik nagrade Prešernovega sklada (2015) je študiral na Dunaju, v Haagu, na Berklee College of Music (z mojstri, kot so Joe Lovano in George Garzone) in dokončal magistrski študij na Glasbeni akademiji v Gradcu. V svoji karieri je igral z zvezdami, kot so Dave Liebman, Branford Marsalis, Esperanza Spalding, George Lewis, Maceo Parker, Vijay Iyer, Jeff Tain Watts in mnogimi drugimi.

Saxophonist Jure Pukl is considered one of the most important creators of Slovenian jazz music. The recipient of the Prešeren Fund Prize (2015), he studied in Vienna, The Hague, Berklee College of Music (with masters such as Joe Lovano and George Garzone) and completed his master’s studies at the Graz Academy of Music. During his career he has played with stars such as Dave Liebman, Branford Marsalis, Esperanza Spalding, George Lewis, Maceo Parker, Vijay Iyer, Jeff Tain Watts and many others.
Art Stays oder / Art Stays stage, Slovenski trg


Odprtje razstave / Exhibition Opening
Galerija Magistrat / Magistrat Gallery

Odprtje razstave / Exhibition Opening
Beti Bricelj, Tina Dobrajc, Dušan Fišer, Mito Gegič, Aleksij Kobal, Miha Štrukelj, Uroš Potočnik and Jurij Zadnikar z / with Jernej Forbici & Marika Vicari
Galerija Luna / Luna Gallery

Odprtje osrednje razstave / Main Exhibition Opening
VOYAGE (Potovanje) I Nika Autor, Gabriele Basilico, Maxime Berthou & Mark Požlep, Vincenzo Castella, DK, Hamish Fulton, Jošt Franko, Luigi Ghirri, Armin Linke, Robert Smithson/Nancy Holt, Bill Viola
Osrednja razstava letošnje edicije festivala vas vabi na potovanje v družbi izjemnih umetnikov. Razstava za katero si je treba vzeti čas, se prepustiti raznolikim in izjemnim zgodbam umetnikov, ki vas s svojimi deli popeljejo v svoj svet in svet ljudi, ki živijo na mejah svojega obstoja.

The main exhibition of this year’s edition of the festival invites you on a journey in the company of outstanding artists. An exhibition to take your time, to indulge yourself in the diverse and extraordinary stories of artists whose works take you into their world and the world of people living at the limits of their existence.
Galerija mesta Ptuj / Ptuj City Gallery

Art Stays Kino / Art Stays Cinema
SFO…PVG…LHR…MEX…LAX I Chip Lord, 2011
21:30 min, Courtesy of Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI), New York.
Chip Lord v svojih delih združuje družbeno opazovanje in satirični humor ter se osredotoča na ameriške mite in ikone, od kulta avtomobila do bejzbola, oglaševanja, predmestja in televizije. Lord, ustanovni član večmedijskega kolektiva Ant Farm iz San Francisca, raziskuje, kako našo kolektivno identiteto in vsakdanje življenje določa potrošniška kultura, ki jo poganjajo mediji. Lordovo zanimanje za arhitekturo in urbani javni prostor je privedlo do serije video del, ki dokumentirajo in raziskujejo vprašanja urbane geografije in načrtovanja. In Transit je opazovan portret prostorov, ki pogosto veljajo za ne-prostore letalskega potovanja. Film se giblje od San Francisca do Šanghaja, od Pekinga do Londona in od Frankfurta do Mexico Cityja, čeprav so ti geografski skoki komaj zaznavni v notranjosti letališč ali v obnašanju potnikov. Na koncu gledalcu ostane podoba potovanja z letalom, ki je v enaki meri znanstvena fantastika in vzvišena.

Merging social observation with satirical humor, Chip Lord’s work focuses on American myths and icons, from the cult of the automobile to baseball, advertising, suburbia and television. Lord, a founding member of the San Francisco-based multi-media collective Ant Farm, examines how our collective identity and everyday life are defined by a consumer-based, media-driven culture. Lord’s interest in architecture and urban public space has led to the production of a series of video works that document and explore issues of urban geography and planning. In Transit is an observed portrait of the spaces—often considered non-places—of air travel. It moves from San Francisco to Shanghai, Beijing to London, and Frankfurt to Mexico City, though these geographic leaps are barely perceptible in the airport interiors or the travelers’ behavior. The viewer is ultimately left with an image of air travel that is equal parts science fiction and the sublime.
Art Stays oder / Art Stays stage, Slovenski trg

Koncert / Concert
Katalena je nastopila v tako rekoč vsakem klubu, koncertni dvorani ali festivalskem odru v državi, pa tudi kar precej potovala, z nastopi v ZDA, Izraelu ter po večjem delu Evrope. Skupina, ki v originalni postavi nastopa že 22 let, se ne ustavlja, saj so nedavno izdali deveti album “Kužne pesmi”.

Katalena has performed in virtually every club, concert hall and festival stage in the country, and has also travelled extensively, with performances in the USA, Israel and much of Europe. The band, which has been performing in its original line-up for 22 years, is not stopping now, having recently released their ninth album, “Infectious Songs”.
Art Stays oder / Art Stays stage, Slovenski trg


Pogovor z umetnikom ob zajtrku / Artist Talk and Breakfast
Dominikanski samostan / Dominican Monastery

Otvoritev razstave & pogovor z umetniki / Exhibition Opening & Artist Talk
PRETIRAN TURIZEM / OVERTOURISM I Riccardo Costantini, Steven Marshall, Igor Molin, Polona Petek, Marek Schovanek
Razstava petih avtorjev, večinoma slikarjev, se ukvarja s prekomernim turizmom (Overtourism): eno od besed, ki jih ljudje v zadnjih letih najpogosteje uporabljajo. Destinacije trpijo zaradi prekomernega turizma, turistične prenatrpanosti, zato slogan Turisti so teroristi!

Exhibition of five, mainly painters deals with Overtourism: one of the words that people use most in recent years. Destinations suffer from overtourism, tourism overcrowding and tha’s why: Tourists are Terrorists!
Miheličeva galerija / Mihelič Gallery

Odprtje razstave in javne instalacije / Exhibition and Public Installation Opening
Ptujski grad na svojem dvorišču ponovno gosti eno od glavnih javnih skulptur festivala. Čaka vas brodolom na grajskem hribu in med razbitinami ladje najdeni artefakti v čudovitih baročnih galerijah gradu. Spet izjemen preplet sodobne umetnosti z bogato zgodovino mesta Ptuj.

Ptuj Castle once again hosts one of the main public sculptures of the festival in its courtyard. A shipwreck on the castle hill and artefacts found among the shipwrecks in the castle’s beautiful Baroque galleries await you. Again, a remarkable blend of contemporary art and the rich history of Ptuj.
Ptujski grad in dvorišče / Ptuj Castle and the Courtyard

Pogovor z umetnikom / Artist Talk
Mark Požlep (rojen 1981, Slovenija) je diplomiral in magistriral na Akademiji za likovno umetnost in oblikovanje v Ljubljani ter opravil nadaljevalni magistrski študij transmedije na Sint-Lukas Campus v Bruslju in HISK v Gentu. Deluje na področju vizualnih in performativnih umetnosti, prostorskih instalacij in video umetnosti. Njegova umetniška praksa vključuje potovanja, ki delujejo kot dolgotrajna performativna/ vzdržljivostna umetnost in kot samostojno umetniško delo. Gre za intenzivno proceduralno raziskovanje z uporabo metodologije akcijskega raziskovanja, cikličnega vzorca opazovanja in refleksije.

Mark Požlep (born 1981, Slovenia) finished his BA and MA at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana and completed an Advanced Master’s Degree in Transmedia at the Sint-Lukas Campus in Brussels and HISK in Ghent. He works in the field of visual and performative arts, spatial installations and video art. His artistic practice involves journey-travels, which function both as long-durational performance/endurance art and as an art piece in itself. It is an intense procedural exploration, using the methodology of action-research, cyclical pattern of observation and reflection.
dvorišče Ptujskega gradu / Ptuj Castle Courtyard

Art Stays Kino / Art Stays Cinema
SOUTHWIND, 2022, 1h 12m
Maxime Berthou, Mark Požlep
Drugi celovečerni film Maxima Berthouja in Marka Požlepa “Southwind (Južni veter)” je nastal kot rezultat umetniškega performansa, ki ga je vodil isti francosko-slovenski dvojec. Ta projekt, ki je vključeval spust po Mississipiju na krovu doma narejenega parnika, je bil namenjen preučevanju gospodarskega in ekološkega vpliva koruzne monokulture na rečnih bregovih. Njuno potovanje se je začelo nekaj mesecev po eni največjih poplav v ameriški zgodovini in končalo le nekaj tednov pred začetkom pandemije COVID-19 in koncem mandata Donalda Trumpa. Med potovanjem po “telesu naroda” film razkriva portret Amerike med dvema krizama.

The second feature film by Maxime Berthou and Mark Požlep, ‘Southwind’ is a film that emerged from the materialisation of an artistic performance led by the same French-Slovenian duo. This project, which included a descent down the Mississippi aboard a home-made steamboat, was designed to study the economic and ecological impact of corn monoculture on river banks.Their journey began months after one of the biggest floods in American history and ended just weeks before the start of the COVID-19 pandemic and the end of Donald Trump’s term. As they travel through the “body of the nation”, the film reveals a portrait of America during two crises.
dvorišče Ptujskega gradu / Ptuj Castle Courtyard

22.00 – 00.00
Art Stays zabava / Art Stays Party
AKA Neomi
Saša Vipotnik (vokal / vocal), Mario Babojelić (kitara / guitar), Marko Grubar (bobni / drums)
Zvok AKA Neomi se od leta 2011 razvija in premišljeno vijuga med indie popom in trip hopom, med akustično balado in psihadeličnim noise-om ter se zadnje čase spogleduje tudi z disko popom. Skupina AKA Neomi je od svojih začetkov do danes obredla številne odre, med drugim je nastopila na MENTu, avstrijskem Waves Vienna, portugalskem Westway Labu ter nizozemskem Eurosonicu in delila oder s Roisin Murphy na njenem ljubljanskem koncertu.

Since 2011, AKA Neomi’s sound has been evolving and deliberately meandering between indie pop and trip hop, between acoustic ballads and psychedelic noise, and more recently, flirting with disco pop. AKA Neomi has graced many stages since its inception, including MENT, Austria’s Waves Vienna, Portugal’s Westway Lab, Eurosonic in the Netherlands and sharing the stage with Roisin Murphy at her Ljubljana concert.
dvorišče Ptujskega gradu / Ptuj Castle Courtyard


10.00 – 12.00
VODSTVO po razstavah za otroke in družine / GUIDED TOUR for kids and families
Pričetek / Starting point:
Dominikanski samostan / Dominican Monastery

Odprtje razstave / Exhibition Opening
Razstava Razglednice vas popelje na potovanje po zgodovini festivala Art Stays, ki je v dvajsetih letih na Ptuj pripeljal številne umetnice in umetnike iz vseh koncev sveta. Prosili smo jih da nam pošljejo razglednico, kot geografijo njihovega »prehoda« na festivalu Art Stays. Razstava raznolikih del in predvsem spominov na Ptuj.

The Postcards exhibition takes you on a journey through the history of the Art Stays festival, which has brought many artists from all over the world to Ptuj over the past twenty years. We asked them to send us a postcard as a geography of their “passage” at the Art Stays Festival. An exhibition of diverse works and, above all, memories of Ptuj.
Galerija FO.VI / FO.VI Gallery

Večerni voden ogled / Guided Tour by night
Večerni voden ogled po vseh ptujskih razstaviščih festivala. Koncentrat lepega za tiste prave ljubitelje umetnosti, ki nikoli nimajo časa.

Evening guided tour of all Ptuj exhibition venues. A concentrate of the beautiful for those true art lovers who never have time.
Pričetek / Starting point:
Ptujski grad / Ptuj Castle

Art Stays Kino in zaključek otvoritvenega vikenda / Art Stays Cinema and closing of the opening weekend
Maxime Berthou, Mark Požlep
Hogshead 733 je umetniški projekt Maxima Berthouja in Marka Požlepa, ki vključuje potovanje, morsko pustolovščino, zgodbo o dediščini, prijateljstvu in viskiju. Proces spremlja obnovo tipične lesene ribiške ladje iz leta 1941, njeno zadnje 733 milj dolgo jadranje in končno preobrazbo ladje, prepojene z morjem in pustolovščino, v dva sodčka za viski. Vsaka posebej izbrana faza daje možnost raziskovanja poetike specifičnega strokovnega ročnega dela: gradnje čolna, jadranja, izdelave sodov in proizvodnje viskija. Od 23. avgusta do 21. septembra 2015 je potekalo potovanje od Trebeurdna v Bretanji do otoka Islay na Škotskem z 20 postanki na poti.

Hogshead 733 is an artistic project by Maxime Berthou and Mark Požlep that includes a journey, a sea adventure, story of heritage, friendship & whiskey. The process follows the restoration of a typical 1941 wooden fishing boat, her last 733 miles sailing journey, and final transformation of the boat, soaked with sea and adventure into two whisky barrels. Every specially chosen stage gives a possibility to research the poetics of a specific manual labor expertise: boat building, sailing, barrel making and whisky production. A journey from Trebeurden Brittany to the island Islay in Scotland was undertaken with 20 stops en route, from 23 August until 21 September, 2015.
dvorišče Dominikanskega samostana / Dominican Monastery Courtyard



Organizator si pridržuje pravice do spremembe programa. V primeru slabega vremena se bodo dogodki iz Art Stays odra prestavili na alternativno lokacijo.  / The organiser reserves the right to change the programme. In case of bad weather, the events will be moved from the Art Stays stage to alternative location.